Republic of Ireland halts non-essential construction

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08 January 2021

Non-essential construction in the Republic will halt from 6pm on Friday 8 January


All non-essential construction projects are to close during the Republic of Ireland’s new coronavirus lockdown, which is expected to last for at least three weeks.

From 6pm today (8 January), companies will only be allowed to carry out essential maintenance or emergency repairs to homes and businesses on a call-out basis. These include essential electrical, gas, oil, plumbing, glazing and roofing services to homes and businesses.

Only a few construction projects, such as those for critical transport and utility infrastructure, are exempt from the restrictions. These include essential health, education and social housing projects, and large construction projects in the export/FDI (foreign direct investment) sector, which must fit set criteria.

Construction and building work continues in Northern Ireland, as well as in Wales, Scotland and England.

Ireland’s Construction Industry Federation (CIF) said it would “press the case for a return to work when deemed safe to do so by the Government” and issued guidance on the restrictions. It said it was seeking greater clarity on the exemptions list from the Irish government.

CIF advised contractors to ensure all closed sites are adequately secured – and maintained if necessary – during the country’s lockdown. The CIF also said construction companies should review their tender documents and the contractual terms under which they are operating their projects, in order to ensure that they can make a claim in the event of project delays or an increase in costs due to government’s Covid-19 restrictions.

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