Hilti gains 'significant momentum'

17 May 2017

127331 hilti

Hilti Group reported a 4.9% increase in sales for the first four months of the year, with North America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa all seeing significant increases.

Revenues were up 4.8% in local currencies, and by 6.1% in Swiss Francs.

The manufacturer said sales grew by 8.5% in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and by 7.6% in North America. Europe saw a rise of 5.5%.

“Particularly gratifying”, said Hilti, was a 7.6% increase in Latin America, despite Brazil’s ongoing economic troubles. Revenues in Asia Pacific grew by a more modest 2.6%.

“Following a slower start into the year, our business has regained significant momentum in the past two months”, said Hilti CEO Christoph Loos.

“For 2017, we will continue to adhere to our objective of achieving slightly higher sales growth than in the previous year. Furthermore, we will proceed on our investment course focusing on our product portfolio and sales capacities”.

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Mike Hayes Editor, Construction Europe Tel: +44(0) 1892 786 231 E-mail: mike.hayes@khl.com
Simon Kelly Sales Manager Tel: +44 (0) 1892 786 223 E-mail: simon.kelly@khl.com